
Clara Moisello

With her training and work as Neuroscience Researcher and growing experience in Yoga, Reiki and NonViolent Communication, Clara brings to the mat a unique blend of knowledge and personal experience, which encompasses deep understanding of the nervous system, along with an open-mindedness that allowed her to embrace alternative tools for health. She is deeply passionate about learning and sharing tools for wellbeing, empowerment and self-love. Her teaching style is grounded in the Hatha-Vinyasa tradition and is aimed at creating a safe and nurturing space for students to come “meet” themselves on the mat, while connecting to the supportive energy of the sangha and receiving her gentle guidance. Clara offers a creative and musical Vinyasa flow, with sequence and intensity that vary in accordance with students’ experience and energy. She loves to incorporate meditation, Pranayama, and chanting in her classes. As active advocate of the “Health at Every Size movement”, Clara has particular care towards supporting body diversity and self-acceptance.